12:09 Key Value Auto 12:09 bbo http://billnye.blinkenshell.org/ no 12:09 startup http://irssi.org/documentation/startup no 12:09 hints http://irssi.org/documentation/tips no 12:09 formats http://irssi.org/documentation/formats no 12:09 scripts http://scripts.irssi.org/ no 12:09 themes http://irssi.org/themes no 12:09 tips http://irssi.org/documentation/tips no 12:09 wclf http://wouter.coekaerts.be/site/irssi/wclf no 12:09 perl http://irssi.org/documentation/perl no 12:09 split http://quadpoint.org/articles/irssisplit no 12:09 special http://irssi.org/documentation/special_vars no 12:09 signals http://irssi.org/documentation/signals no 12:09 crack http://media.theonion.com/images/articles/article/10291/magazine_042706_jpg_445x1000_upscale_q85.jpg no 12:09 bboi http://billnye.blinkenshell.org/irssi/ no 12:09 pikachu http://billnye.blinkenshell.org/nh/MANLYchu.PNG no 12:09 vouch http://blinkenshell.org/wiki/Howto/GetVouched no 12:09 statusbars http://billnye.blinkenshell.org/irssi/hilighted_statusbars_in_irssi.txt no 12:09 screen http://billnye.blinkenshell.org/irssi/putty20080818.png no 12:09 faq http://irssi.org/documentation/faq no 12:09 settings http://irssi.org/documentation/settings no 12:09 align http://irssi.org/documentation/tips (toward the top) no 12:09 blinn http://tindeck.com/listen/rjxg no 12:09 script_rec trackbar, keepnick, hilightwin, splitlong, and logresume no 12:09 recent http://msytsma.dyndns-home.com/downloads/recentdepart.pl (courtesy SpiderPig) or http://crshd.anapnea.net/2012/10/03/Smartfilter-for-Irssi/ no 12:09 map http://tinyurl.com/blinkenmap no 12:09 ugt http://www.total-knowledge.com/~ilya/mips/ugt.html no 12:09 nicklist_a http://heeen.de/blog/irssi-nick-list-script.html no 12:09 tor https://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor no 12:09 gears http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2008/08/11/gears-of-conflict-resolution no 12:09 Aliases: 12:09 ADDALLCHAN script exec foreach my \$channel (Irssi::channels()) { Irssi::command("channel add -auto \$channel->{name} \$channel->{server}->{tag} \$channel->{key}")\;} 12:09 alll alllastlog 12:09 ALLLASTLOG script exec foreach (Irssi::windows()) {Irssi::command("lastlog - -window \$_->{'refnum'} $*")\;} 12:09 ATAG script exec Irssi::active_win->change_server(Irssi::server_find_tag("$0")); 12:09 B ban 12:09 BANS ban 12:09 blop ^msg -blinkenshell chanserv invite #blinkenshell.op 12:09 BYE quit 12:09 C clear 12:09 CALC exec - if which bc &>/dev/null\; then echo '$*' | bc | awk '{print "$*="$$1}'\; else echo bc was not found\; fi 12:09 CHAT dcc chat 12:09 CL clear 12:09 DATE time 12:09 DESCRIBE action 12:09 DUMP script exec use Data::Dumper\; print Data::Dumper->new([\\$0-])->Dump 12:09 EXIT quit 12:09 GOTO sb goto 12:09 HERE script exec \$a=Irssi::active_win\;sub b{Irssi::signal_remove('print text','b')\;Irssi::signal_stop()\;\$a->print(\$_[1],\$_[0]->{'level'})\;Irssi::signal_add_first('print text','b')\;}\;Irssi::signal_add_first('print text','b')\;\$a->command("$*")\; 12:09 hn here names 12:09 HOST userhost 12:09 IG ignore 12:09 INVITELIST mode $C +I 12:09 J join 12:09 jooohn ^set theme jooohn;^alias toggletheme laaama-2 12:09 K kick 12:09 KB kickban 12:09 KN knockout 12:09 laaama-2 ^set theme laaama-2;^alias toggletheme jooohn 12:09 LAST lastlog 12:09 lc logclear 12:09 LEAVE part 12:09 ll lastlog 12:09 llc lastlog -clear 12:09 llh lastlog -hilight 12:09 llk lastlog -kick 12:09 logclear /scrollback levelclear -level never 12:09 lv logview screen less 12:09 M msg 12:09 MUB unban * 12:09 N names 12:09 o\ say /o\\ 12:09 Q QUERY 12:09 recent http://msytsma.dyndns-home.com/downloads/recentdepart.pl (courtesy SpiderPig) or http://crshd.anapnea.net/2012/10/03/Smartfilter-for-Irssi/ or https://github.com/joostvunderink/irssi-scripts (via Garion) 12:09 RUN SCRIPT LOAD 12:09 runcible1 say don't eat dogs, cats, or same-race, and don't sacrifice same-race or former pets... unless you know what you're doing. (also, don't match unicorns to either your own or the altar's align) 12:09 runcible2 say holy and unholy water aren't "wet" 12:09 runcible3 say j and k go the direction of their "stems", and YUBN are diagonals surrounding h 12:09 runcible4 say safe to enchant weapons FROM +5 and armors FROM +3 (+5 for elven or corny hats as wiz) 12:09 runcible5 say #twoweapon uses the lesser of #two and primary for to-hit (both weapons hit together), and the lesser of #two and each for damage (both weapons damage separately) 12:09 SAY msg * 12:09 SB scrollback 12:09 SBAR STATUSBAR 12:09 sbe /scrollback end 12:09 sbg scrollback goto 12:09 sbh scrollback home 12:09 sblc scrollback levelclear -level 12:09 SIGNOFF quit 12:09 stb statusbar 12:09 SV say Irssi $J ($V) - http://irssi.org/ 12:09 T topic 12:09 TAG script exec Irssi::server_find_tag('$0')->command('$1-'); 12:09 tb trackbar 12:09 tc ^toggle colors 12:09 THEMERELOA SCRIPT EXEC Irssi::themes_reload(); 12:09 togglethem jooohn 12:09 tt toggletheme 12:09 UB unban 12:09 UMODE mode $N 12:09 unact_aron script exec \$_->activity(0) for Irssi::windows 12:09 unact_baz script exec foreach ( Irssi::windows() ) {Irssi::signal_emit("window dehilight", $$_) if $$_->{data_level} } 12:09 unact_ferr /script exec for ( Irssi::windows() ) { \$_->activity(0) if \$_->{data_level} < 3 } 12:09 UNIG unignore 12:09 UPTIME eval exec - expr `date +%s` - \$F | awk '{print "Irssi uptime: "int(\\\$1/3600/24)"d "int(\\\$1/3600%24)"h "int(\\\$1/60%60)"m "int(\\\$1%60)"s" }' 12:09 W who 12:09 WC window close 12:09 wg window goto 12:09 WI whois 12:09 WII whois $0 $0 12:09 window_pre /script exec package Irssi'Script'window_navh\;my\@w=Irssi'windows\;my\$v=join',',map{\$_->{refnum}}@w\;\$i=0 unless\$v eq\$w\;\$w[++\$i%@w]->set_active\;\$w=join',',map{\$_->{refnum}}Irssi'windows 12:09 WJOIN join -window 12:09 WN window new hide 12:09 WQUERY query -window 12:09 WW whowas